Like most people, my interest in astrology was stirred by a life crisis.
I saw an astrologer to have him interpret what on earth was going on, and how soon it would go away – not to mention, when would it turn around and get better.
I left the session in tears…
Since then I’ve been studying astrology zealously.
The crisis was lived through – and replaced by new opportunities and new crisis. As in any human life.
The main, lifelong conflict, shown in my very own birth chart, is that of a person, struggling to combine two significant aspects: On one hand the vulnerable, artistic soul with a disposition for escapism, a person who would so much want to help other people – preferably the whole world.
On the other hand – an almost scary strength with more than a few aggressions.
The latter aspect, taken just by itself, might actually belong to a killer. But fortunately, it’s not on its own.
The real blessing in my life is all the love that surrounds me – first and foremost centered around my husband and our two daughters. These are the three people who, with patience and love and ironical humor, have made me laugh so many times, turning shadows into light.
…And then of course, our cats, who on a daily basis show us what’s life’s really about: ‘Just catch a mouse!’
One of them, Killmousky, is the role model for Stella in Starry Sky.
Working as a journalist my whole life, I’ve finally decided to make a change and do what my horoscope has advised all my life, and with increasing emphasis: Write fiction!
And it’s wonderful…
If you, my reader, have just half the fun reading the series as I have writing it – my goal is completed.